Tutorial - tiny-ecs beatemup

From GiderosMobile

Hello developer!

In this tutorial, we will code a beat'em up using tiny-ecs. The aim is to make a fully functional game with some menu, options, game and win scenes.

First let's see what we will make (playable on PC and the web, no mobile):

Beu 01.png

Beu 02.png

Beu 03.png

PS: all assets are cc0 so I can share them with you!

There will be three levels and you can decide to play in easy, normal or hard mode. There is no real story for the game so you can make your own.

This is my take on a beat'em up. I haven't played one in a long time and wanted to try ;-)

You will control the player1 with the keyboard (key remapping included) and the enemies will have basic AI.

Let's do it! WIP

Written Tutorials