Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 1 Setup

From GiderosMobile


As mentionned in the introduction, we will use the Gideros Game Template1.

So make a copy of your Gideros Game Template1 and rename it to anything you want, eg.: "Gideros_BeatThemUp".

Project Properties

  • Scale Mode: Fit Width (or anything else really :-) )
  • Logical Dimensions: 360 * 640 px
  • Orientation: Landscape Left
  • FPS: 60 VSync On

Feel free to configure the other tabs.


  • Bump: to handle collisions
  • JSON: to save user preferences to disk

We need to add the "plugin" for tiny-ecs, please grab it Media:tiny-ecs.lua (tip: right click and save link as) and put it in the "classes" folder.

Note: the file is supposed to be tiny-ecs.lua but MediaWiki puts a Capital letter :-(

We will add more Classes later on.

Files and Folders

This is how I organise my files and folders:

Gideros_BeatThemUp (root)

  • Plugins
    • Bump
    • JSON
  • Files
    • _C (folder) ECS Components
    • _E (folder) ECS Entities
    • _S (folder) ECS Systems
    • audio (folder)
    • classes (folder)
    • fonts (folder)
    • gfx (folder)
    • scenes (folder)
    • init.lua (file)
    • main.lua (file)

The underscore (_) allows us to group the ECS folders.

In the folder classes, you should already have:

  • Media:buttonMonster.lua for player control and keyboard navigation (tip: right click and save link as)
  • "save_prefs.lua" to save data persistently (please see code below)
require "json"

function saveData(filepath, value)
	local contents = json.encode(value)
	local file = io.open(filepath, "w") -- create file
	file:write(contents) -- save json string in file

function getData(filepath)
	local value
	local file = io.open(filepath, "r")
	if file then
		local contents = file:read("*a") -- read contents
		value = json.decode(contents) -- decode json
	return value


At the time of writing I cannot upload the assets to the Wiki so I will host the files on GitHub.

You can download the assets for this tuto at this address:


and the zip file ("Download raw file"):



In the next part we will look at our init.lua and main.lua files.

Next: Tuto tiny-ecs beatemup Part 2 Init and Main

Tutorial - tiny-ecs beatemup