From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2012.09.6
Class: b2.Contact
Returns the world manifold as a table. This table contains normal and points fields. <source lang="lua"> (b2.WorldManifold) = b2.Contact:getWorldManifold() </syntaxhighlight>
Return values
Returns (b2.WorldManifold) information about contact between 2 bodies relative to the world
- B2.Contact
- B2.Contact:getChildIndexA
- B2.Contact:getChildIndexB
- B2.Contact:getFixtureA
- B2.Contact:getFixtureB
- B2.Contact:getFriction
- B2.Contact:getManifold
- B2.Contact:getRestitution
- B2.Contact:getWorldManifold
- B2.Contact:isTouching
- B2.Contact:resetFriction
- B2.Contact:resetRestitution
- B2.Contact:setEnabled
- B2.Contact:setFriction
- B2.Contact:setRestitution