From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 10:29, 24 August 2018 by Hgy29 (talk | contribs)

Available since: Gideros 2012.2.2
Value: transaction
Defined by: StoreKit


This event is dispatched when a transaction is updated. The event listener should process all successful transactions, unlock the functionality purchased by the user, and then finish the transaction by calling `StoreKit:finishTransaction` method.


errorCode: (number) error code if the request failed to execute and event.transaction.state is set to StoreKit.FAILED
errorDescription: (string) error description if the request failed to execute and event.transaction.state is set to StoreKit.FAILED
payment.productIdentifier: (string) product identifier for this transaction
payment.quantity: (number) number of items the user wants to purchase
transaction.state: (string) current state of the transaction
transaction.identifier: (string) string that uniquely identifies a successful payment transaction
transaction.receipt: (string) signed receipt that records all information about a successful payment transaction
transaction.date: (string) date the transaction was added to the App Store’s payment queue
originalTransaction.identifier: (string) identifier of original transaction
originalTransaction.date: (string) date of the original transaction