
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 14:19, 23 August 2018 by Hgy29 (talk | contribs)

Supported platforms: android, ios, mac, pc
Available since: Gideros 2011.6


Application class contains the common functions that's available to the current application. There is a global variable application of type Application to access these functions.


Application:canOpenUrl Template:Tests if it is possible to open provided url
Application:configureFrustum Template:Configure the projection for 3D perspective.
Application:exit Template:Application - terminates the application
Application:getApiVersion Template:Application - returns the API version
Application:getAppId Template:Application - returns the app id or bundle id
Application:getBackgroundColor Template:Application - returns the background color in hexadecimal format
Application:getContentHeight Template:Application - returns content height
Application:getContentWidth Template:Application - returns content width
Application:getDeviceHeight Template:Application - returns the physical height of the device in pixels
Application:getDeviceInfo Template:Application - returns information about device
Application:getDeviceOrientation Template:Get the device orientation
Application:getDeviceSafeArea Template:Application - returns the safe display area bounds
Application:getDeviceWidth Template:Application - returns the physical width of the device in pixels
Application:getFps Template:Application - returns the frame rate of the application
Application:getLanguage Template:Application - returns the user language
Application:getLocale Template:Application - returns the device locale
Application:getLogicalBounds Template:Application - returns the physical screen bounds in logical space
Application:getLogicalHeight Template:Application - returns the logical height of the application
Application:getLogicalScaleX Template:Application - returns the scaling of automatic screen scaling on the x-axis
Application:getLogicalScaleY Template:Application - returns the scaling of automatic screen scaling on the y-axis
Application:getLogicalTranslateX Template:Application - returns the translation of automatic screen scaling on the x-axis
Application:getLogicalTranslateY Template:Application - returns the translation of automatic screen scaling on the y-axis
Application:getLogicalWidth Template:Application - returns the logical width of the application
Application:getOrientation Template:Application - returns the orientation of the application
Application:getScaleMode Template:Application - returns the automatic scale mode of the application
Application:getScreenDensity Template:Application - returns the screen density in pixels per inch
Application:getTextureMemoryUsage Template:Application - returns the texture memory usage in Kbytes
Application:isPlayerMode Template:Check if app runs on player
Application:openUrl Template:Application - opens the given URL in the appropriate application
Application:setBackgroundColor Template:Application - sets the background color in hexadecimal format
Application:setFps Template:Application - sets the frame rate of the application
Application:setFullScreen Template:Full screen or window mode
Application:setKeepAwake Template:Application - enables/disables screen dimming and device sleeping
Application:setKeyboardVisibility {{}}
Application:setLogicalDimensions Template:Application - sets the logical dimensions of the application
Application:setOrientation Template:Application - sets the orientation of the application
Application:setScaleMode Template:Application - sets the automatic scale mode of the application
Application:setWindowSize Template:Sets desktop window to a specific size
Application:vibrate Template:Application - vibrates the device


