From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Sets the blend mode of the sprite. This method can be called with 1 or 2 parameters.
If one parameter is passed it must be one of the following blending modes:
- Sprite.ALPHA = "alpha"
- Sprite.NO_ALPHA = "noAlpha"
- Sprite.ADD = "add"
- Sprite.MULTIPLY = "multiply"
- Sprite.SCREEN = "screen"
If a `Sprite` object doesn't set any blending mode, it takes the blending mode from its parent sprite.
- *Note:** The following two lines are completely same:
<code><br /> sprite:setBlendMode("add")<br /> sprite:setBlendMode(Sprite.ADD)<br /> </code>
It's a matter of taste which one to choose.
If two parameters are passed to this method, then a source and destination blend can be set (in that order) and each take the values:
- Sprite.ZERO = "zero"
- Sprite.ONE = "one"
- Sprite.SRC_COLOR = "srcColor"
- Sprite.ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = "oneMinusSrcColor"
- Sprite.DST_COLOR = "dstColor"
- Sprite.ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = "oneMinusDstColor"
- Sprite.SRC_ALPHA = "srcAlpha"
- Sprite.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = "oneMinusSrcAlpha"
- Sprite.DST_ALPHA = "dstAlpha"
- Sprite.ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = "oneMinusDstAlpha"
- Sprite.SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = "srcAlphaSaturate"
Sprite:setBlendMode(blendMode or src,dst)
'blendMode or src: (String) If one parameter is used, this is the blend mode. If two parameters are used this is the source blend specification. '
dst: (string) Destination blend mode optional