From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2016.1
Class: Media
Plays video file in given path.
mediamanager:playVideo(path, force)
path: (string) the path of the video to play
force: (bool) force to watch till the end, or quit playing on tap
- X Media:copy
- X Media:crop
- X Media:drawFill
- X Media:drawImage
- X Media:drawLine
- X Media:drawText
- X Media:flipHorizontal
- X Media:flipVertical
- X Media:floodFill
- X Media:getHeight
- X Media:getPath
- X Media:getPixel
- X Media:getRotation
- X Media:getWidth
- X Media:resize
- X Media:resizeHeight
- X Media:resizeWidth
- X Media:save
- X Media:setPixel
- X Media:setRotation
- X Media:trim