From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Creates and returns a distance joint definition table with the bodies, anchors, and length using the world anchors.
(Please refer to b2.World:createJoint function for more information about all the information needed to create a distance joint).
(table), = b2.createDistanceJointDef(bodyAbodyBanchorAxanchorAyanchorBxanchorBy,)
'bodyA: (b2.Body) the first attached body '
'bodyB: (b2.Body) the second attached body '
'anchorAx: (number) the x coordinate of the world anchor point of bodyA '
'anchorAy: (number) the y coordinate of the world anchor point of bodyA '
'anchorBx: (number) the x coordinate of the world anchor point of bodyB '
'anchorBy: (number) the y coordinate of the world anchor point of bodyB '
Returns (table) A new distance joint definition table