
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 05:51, 23 January 2020 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs)

Supported platforms: Platform android.pngPlatform ios.pngPlatform mac.pngPlatform pc.pngPlatform html5.pngPlatform winrt.pngPlatform win32.png
Available since: Gideros 2019.10


A proxy shape is what links a given collision shape to the body it has been added.

You can use the returned proxy shape to get or set parameters of the given collision shape in that particular body. This concept is also called fixture in some other physics engines.

In ReactPhysics3D, a proxy shape is represented by the ProxyShape class.


r3d.Fixture:setCollisionCategoryBits sets the categories of this fixture
r3d.Fixture:setCollideWithMaskBits sets the categories this fixture can collide with
r3d.Fixture:raycast performs a ray cast on the fixture
r3d.Fixture:testPointInside checks if a point is inside the fixture
