From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2012.09.3
Class: SoundChannel
Sets the pitch relative to the pitch of the original sound channel.
Default pitch is 1.
Setting pitch as 0.5 will make the pitch lower.
Setting pitch as 1.5 will make the pitch higher.
Note: you cannot set the pitch of a background music (mp3)
pitch: (number) pitch relative to original (1 < - higher pitch, 1 > 0 lower pitch)
- SoundChannel:getPitch
- SoundChannel:getPosition
- SoundChannel:getStreamId
- SoundChannel:getVolume
- SoundChannel:isLooping
- SoundChannel:isPaused
- SoundChannel:isPlaying
- SoundChannel:setEffect
- SoundChannel:setLooping
- SoundChannel:setPaused
- SoundChannel:setPitch
- SoundChannel:setPosition
- SoundChannel:setVolume
- SoundChannel:setWorldPosition
- SoundChannel:stop