Difference between revisions of "Dear ImGui"

From GiderosMobile
Line 299: Line 299:
<!--GIDEROSMTD:IO:addMouseWheelEvent(x, y)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:IO:addMouseWheelEvent(x, y)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:IO:setAppAcceptingEvents([accepting_events = true])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:IO:setAppAcceptingEvents([accepting_events = true])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getHoveredWindow() string OR nil = ImGui:getHoveredWindow()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getHoveredWindow() string OR nil = ImGui:getHoveredWindow()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getHoveredWindowRoot() string OR nil = ImGui:getHoveredWindowRoot()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getHoveredWindowRoot() string OR nil = ImGui:getHoveredWindowRoot()-->
Line 360: Line 357:
<!--GIDEROSMTD:callbackData:getDesiredWidth() desired_width = callbackData:getDesiredWidth()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:callbackData:getDesiredWidth() desired_width = callbackData:getDesiredWidth()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:callbackData:getDesiredHeight() desired_height = callbackData:getDesiredHeight()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:callbackData:getDesiredHeight() desired_height = callbackData:getDesiredHeight()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getContentRegionMax() scaleX, scaleY = ImGui:getContentRegionMax()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getContentRegionAvail() w, h = ImGui:getContentRegionAvail()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getWindowContentRegionMin() x, y = ImGui:getWindowContentRegionMin()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getWindowContentRegionMax() x, y = ImGui:getWindowContentRegionMax()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getScrollX() x = ImGui:getScrollX()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getScrollY() y = ImGui:getScrollY()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getScrollMaxX() maxX = ImGui:getScrollMaxX()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getScrollMaxY() maxY = ImGui:getScrollMaxY()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setScrollHereX([ratio = 0.5])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setScrollHereY([ratio = 0.5])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setScrollFromPosX(x [, ratio = 0.5])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setScrollFromPosY(y [, ratio = 0.5])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:pushStyleColor(ImGui.Col, color, alpha)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:popStyleColor([count = 1])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:pushStyleVar(ImGui.StyleVar, value) OR ImGui:pushStyleVar(ImGui.StyleVar, value1, value2)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:popStyleVar([count = 1])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getStyleColor(ImGui.Col) color, alpha = ImGui:getStyleColor(ImGui.Col)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getFontSize() fontSize = ImGui:getFontSize()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:calcItemWidth() w = ImGui:calcItemWidth()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:pushTextWrapPos([localX = 0])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sameLine([offset_x = 0, spacing = -1])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dummy(w, h)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:indent([indent = 0])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:unindent([indent = 0])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getCursorPos() x, y = ImGui:getCursorPos()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getCursorPosX() x = ImGui:getCursorPosX()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getCursorPosY() y = ImGui:getCursorPosY()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setCursorPos(local_x, local_y)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getCursorStartPos() x, y = ImGui:getCursorStartPos()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getCursorScreenPos() x, y = ImGui:getCursorScreenPos()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setCursorScreenPos(x, y)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getTextLineHeight() lineH = ImGui:getTextLineHeight()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getTextLineHeightWithSpacing() lineH = ImGui:getTextLineHeightWithSpacing()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getFrameHeight() frameH = ImGui:getFrameHeight()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getFrameHeightWithSpacing() frameH = ImGui:getFrameHeightWithSpacing()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:pushID(anyValue) -->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getID(any_value) number = ImGui:getID(any_value)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getID(string) number = ImGui:getID(string)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getItemID() number = ImGui:getItemID()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:textUnformatted(text [, textEnd])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:textColored(text, color, alpha)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:labelText(text, label)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:button(text [, w = 0, h = 0]) flag = ImGui:button(text [, w = 0, h = 0])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:smallButton(text) flag = ImGui:smallButton(text)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:invisibleButton(string_ID [, w = 0, h = 0]) flag = ImGui:invisibleButton(...)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:arrowButton(string_ID [, ImGui.Dir = 0]) flag = ImGui:arrowButton(string_ID [, ImGui.Dir = 0])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:checkbox(text, flag) flag = ImGui:checkbox(text, flag)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:checkboxFlags(label [, flags = 0, flags_value = 0]) flags, is_changed = ImGui:checkboxFlags(...)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:radioButton(text, number, number) number, is_changed = ImGui:radioButton(text, number, number)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:radioButton(text, flag) is_changed = ImGui:radioButton(text, flag)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:progressBar(fraction [, anchor_x = -1, anchor_y = 0, overlay_string = nil])-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:imgui:getIO() IO = imgui:getIO()-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:arrowButton(stringID, direction) displays an ImGui arrow button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:beginDisabled(disabledFlag) starts a stack that can be disabled-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:beginWindow(name, p_open, flags) pushes a Window to the stack and starts appending to it-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:beginTabBar(str_id [, ImGui.TabBarFlags = 0]) pushes a TabBar to the stack and starts appending to it-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:beginTable(str_id, column [, ImGui.TableFlags = 0, outer_w = 0, outer_h = 0, inner_width = 0]) pushes Table to the stack and starts appending to it-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:bullet() displays an ImGui bullet-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:bulletText(string) displays an ImGui bulleted text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:button(string, w, h) displays an ImGui button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:checkbox(text, flag) displays an ImGui checkbox-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:colorButton(stringID, color, alpha, [w=0, h=0, ImGuiColorEditFlags=0]) displays an ImGui color button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:colorEdit3(label, color, [ImGuiColorEditFlags=0]) displays an ImGui RGB color edit widget-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:colorEdit4(label, color, alpha, [ImGuiColorEditFlags=0]) displays an ImGui RGBA color edit widget-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:colorPicker3(label, color, [ImGuiColorEditFlags=0]) displays an ImGui RGB color picker widget-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:colorPicker4(label, color, alpha, [ImGuiColorEditFlags=0, originalColor=0xffffff, originalAlpha=1]) displays an ImGui RGBA color picker widget-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:combo(label, currentItem, items) displays an ImGui combo box-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragFloat(label, value, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui drag float slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragFloat2(label, value1, value2, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 2 ImGui drag float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragFloat3(label, value1, value2, value3, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 3 ImGui drag float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragFloat4(label, value1, value2, value3, value4, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 4 ImGui drag float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragFloatRange2(label, valueMin, valueMax, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatMinString="%.3f", formatMaxString=formatMinString, ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 2 ImGui drag float range sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragInt(label, value, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui drag int slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragInt2(label, value1, value2, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 2 ImGui drag int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragInt3(label, value1, value2, value3, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 3 ImGui drag int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragInt4(label, value1, value2, value3, value4, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 4 ImGui drag int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragIntRange2(label, valueMin, valueMax, [incStep=1, min=0, max=0, formatMinString="%d", formatMaxString=formatMinString, ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 2 ImGui drag int range sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:dragScalar(label, ImGuiDataType, value, v_speed, [v_min=nil, v_max=nil, format=nil, ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui drag scalar slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:endDisabled() ends a stack that can be disabled-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:endFrame() ends an ImGui Frame-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:endTable() pops a Table from the stack-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:endWindow() pops a Window from the stack-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderAngle(label, mirrorFlag, valueInRad, [min_degrees=-360, max_degrees=360, formatString="%.0f deg", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular filled angle slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderFloat(label, mirrorFlag, value, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular filled float slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderFloat2(label, mirrorFlag, value1, value2, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays two ImGui regular filled float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderFloat3(label, mirrorFlag, value1, value2, value3, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays three ImGui regular filled float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderFloat4(label, mirrorFlag, value1, value2, value3, value4, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays four ImGui regular filled float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderInt(label, mirrorFlag, value, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular filled int slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderInt2(label, mirrorFlag, value1, value2, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays two ImGui regular filled int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderInt3(label, mirrorFlag, value1, value2, value3, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays three ImGui regular filled int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:filledSliderInt4(label, mirrorFlag, value1, value2, value3, value4, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays four ImGui regular filled int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getIO() accesses the IO structure (mouse/keyboard/gamepad inputs, time, various configuration options/flags)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:getStyle() accesses the Style structure (colors, sizes)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:image(texture, w, h, color, alpha, bordercolor, borderalpha) an ImGui image-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:imageButton(texture, w, h, padding, tintColor, alpha, borderColor, borderalpha) displays an ImGui image button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:imageButtonWithText(texture, text, w, h, padding, bg_color, bg_alpha, tintColor, alpha)) displays an ImGui image button with some text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:imageFilled(texture, w, h, color, alpha, bg_color, bg_alpha, bordercolor, borderalpha) an ImGui filled image-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputDouble(label, value, [step=0, step_fast=0, format="%.6f", ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) an ImGui input double field-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputFloat(label, value, [step=0, step_fast=0, format="%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) an ImGui input float field-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputFloat2(label, value1, value2, [format="%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) two ImGui input float fields-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputFloat3(label, value1, value2, value3, [format="%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) three ImGui input float fields-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputFloat4(label, value1, value2, value3, value4, [format="%.3f", ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) four ImGui input float fields-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputInt(label, value, [step=0, step_fast=0, ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) an ImGui input int field-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputInt2(label, value1, value2, [ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) two ImGui input int fields-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputInt3(label, value1, value2, value3, [ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) three ImGui input int fields-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputInt4(label, value1, value2, value3, value4, [ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) four ImGui input int fields-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputScalar(label, ImGuiDataType, value, v_min, v_max, format, [ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) an ImGui input scalar field-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputText(label, text, bufferSize, [ImGuiInputTextFlags = 0]) an ImGui input text field-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputTextMultiline(ImGui:inputTextMultiline(label, text, bufferSize, [w=0, h=0, ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) an ImGui multiline input text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:inputTextWithHint(label, text, hint, bufferSize, [ImGuiInputTextFlags=0]) an ImGui input text field with hint-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:invisibleButton(string, w, h) an ImGui invisible button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:labelText(string, string) displays an ImGui labelled text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:newFrame(dt) starts a new ImGui frame-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:progressBar(fraction, anchorX, anchorY, overlayString) an ImGui progress bar-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:radioButton(text, number, number) ImGui radio button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:render() ends the ImGui frame, finalizes the draw data-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:scaledImage(texture, w, h, tintColor, alpha, borderColor, borderAlpha, anchorX, anchorY) an ImGui scaled image-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:scaledImageFilled(texture, w, h, tintColor, alpha, bgColor, bgAlpha, borderColor, borderAlpha, anchorX, anchorY) an ImGui scaled image and filled-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:scaledImageButton(texture, w, h, padding, color, alpha, bgcColor, bgAlpha, anchorX, anchorY) an ImGui scaled image button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:scaledImageButtonWithText(texture, text, w, h, padding, bgColor, bgAlpha, Color, alpha, anchorX, anchorY) an ImGui scaled image button and some text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setClassicStyle() sets a classic color style-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setColorEditOptions(ImGuiColorEditFlags) sets the color edit options flag-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setDarkStyle() sets a dark color style-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setLightStyle() sets a light color style-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setNextWindowPos(x,y) sets next windows position-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setNextWindowSize(w,h) sets next windows size-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:setNextWindowSizeConstraints(min_w,min_h,max_w,max_h [,resize_callback,user_data]) sets next windows size constraints-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showAboutWindow() adds an ImGui About window, displaying ImGui version, credits and build/system information-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showDemoWindow() adds an ImGui demo window-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showFontSelector(font) adds a font selector block (not a window)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showMetricsWindow() adds an ImGui metrics window-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showStyleEditor() adds the style editor block (not a window)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showStyleSelector(style) adds a style selector block (not a window)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:showUserGuide() adds basic help/info block (not a window)-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderAngle(label, valueInRad, [min_degrees=-360, max_degrees=360, formatString="%.0f deg", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular angle slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderFloat(label, value, [min = 0, max = 0, formatString = "%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags = 0]) displays an ImGui regular float slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderFloat2(label, value1, value2, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 2 ImGui regular float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderFloat3(label, value1, value2, value3, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 3 ImGui regular float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderFloat4(label, value1, value2, value3, value4, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 4 ImGui regular float sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderInt(label, value, [min = 0, max = 0, formatString = "%d", ImGuiSliderFlags = 0]) displays an ImGui regular int slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderInt2(label, value1, value2, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 2 ImGui regular int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderInt3(label, value1, value2, value3, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 3 ImGui regular int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:sliderInt4(label, value1, value2, value3, value4, [min=0, max=0, formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays 4 ImGui regular int sliders-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:smallButton(string) displays an ImGui small button-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:text(string) displays an ImGui text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:textColored(string, hex, alpha) displays an ImGui colored text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:textDisabled(string) displays an ImGui disabled text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:textWrapped(string) displays an ImGui wrapped text-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:vFilledSliderFloat(label, mirrorFlag, w, h, value, min, max, [formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular vertical filled float slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:vFilledSliderInt(label, mirrorFlag, w, h, value, min, max, [formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular vertical filled int slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:vSliderFloat(label, w, h, value, min, max, [formatString="%.3f", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular vertical float slider-->
<!--GIDEROSMTD:ImGui:vSliderInt(label, w, h, value, min, max, [formatString="%d", ImGuiSliderFlags=0]) displays an ImGui regular vertical int slider-->
<!--=== Events ===-->
<!--=== Events ===-->
Line 487: Line 452:
<!--=== Constants ===-->
<!--=== Constants ===-->
Line 623: Line 588:
<!--GIDEROSCST:ImGui.Dir_Up -->
Line 634: Line 599:
<!--GIDEROSCST:ImGui.DragDropFlags_SourceNoPreviewTooltip -->
Line 880: Line 845:
<!--GIDEROSCST:ImGui.TE_String -->
Line 896: Line 861:
<!--GIDEROSCST:ImGui.TreeNodeFlags_SpanFullWidth -->
Line 921: Line 886:
<!--GIDEROSCST:ImGui.WindowFlags_UnsavedDocument -->

Revision as of 00:43, 10 October 2024

Supported platforms: Platform android.pngPlatform ios.pngPlatform mac.pngPlatform pc.pngPlatform html5.pngPlatform winrt.pngPlatform win32.png
Available since: Gideros 2020.9


This is an implementation of the Dear ImGui library: https://github.com/ocornut/imgui.

Dear ImGui is licensed under the MIT License, see https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/LICENSE.txt for more information.

To use Dear ImGui in your project you need to add the ImGui plugin and call require like so:

require "ImGui"

Current Gideros Dear ImGui version: 1.89.6.

User Guide

  • Double-click on title bar to collapse window
  • Click and drag on lower corner to resize window (double-click to auto fit window to its contents)
  • CTRL+Click on a slider or drag box to input value as text
  • TAB/SHIFT+TAB to cycle through keyboard editable fields
  • CTRL+Tab to select a window
  • CTRL+Mouse Wheel to zoom window contents if io.FontAllowUserScaling is enabled
  • While inputing text:
    • CTRL+Left/Right to word jump
    • CTRL+A or double-click to select all
    • CTRL+X/C/V to use clipboard cut/copy/paste
    • CTRL+Z,CTRL+Y to undo/redo
    • ESCAPE to revert
  • With keyboard navigation enabled:
    • Arrow keys to navigate
    • Space to activate a widget
    • Return to input text into a widget
    • Escape to deactivate a widget, close popup, exit child window
    • Alt to jump to the menu layer of a window


Widgets: Color Editor/Picker
* tip: the ColorEdit* functions have a little color square that can be left-clicked to open a picker, and right-clicked to open an option menu
Widgets: Input with Keyboard
* If you want to use InputText() with std::string or any custom dynamic string type, see misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.h and comments in imgui_demo.cpp.
* Most of the ImGuiInputTextFlags flags are only useful for InputText() and not for InputFloatX, InputIntX, InputDouble etc.
Widgets: Regular Sliders
* CTRL+Click on any slider to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren't clamped and can go off-bounds.
* Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. "%.3f" -> 1.234; "%5.2f secs" -> 01.23 secs; "Biscuit: %.0f" -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
* Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format ("%f" or "%d").

If you get a warning converting a float to ImGuiSliderFlags, read https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/3361
Widgets: Drag Sliders
* CTRL+Click on any drag box to turn them into an input box. Manually input values aren't clamped and can go off-bounds.
* For all the Float2/Float3/Float4/Int2/Int3/Int4 versions of every functions, note that a 'float v[X]' function argument is the same as 'float* v', the array syntax is just a way to document the number of elements that are expected to be accessible. You can pass address of your first element out of a contiguous set, e.g. &myvector.x
* Adjust format string to decorate the value with a prefix, a suffix, or adapt the editing and display precision e.g. "%.3f" -> 1.234; "%5.2f secs" -> 01.23 secs; "Biscuit: %.0f" -> Biscuit: 1; etc.
* Format string may also be set to NULL or use the default format ("%f" or "%d").
* Speed are per-pixel of mouse movement (v_speed=0.2f: mouse needs to move by 5 pixels to increase value by 1). For gamepad/keyboard navigation, minimum speed is Max(v_speed, minimum_step_at_given_precision).
* Use v_min < v_max to clamp edits to given limits. Note that CTRL+Click manual input can override those limits.
* Use v_max = FLT_MAX / INT_MAX etc to avoid clamping to a maximum, same with v_min = -FLT_MAX / INT_MIN to avoid clamping to a minimum.
* We use the same sets of flags for DragXXX() and SliderXXX() functions as the features are the same and it makes it easier to swap them.

Gideros Dear ImGui Documentation