From GiderosMobile
Available since: Gideros 2025.3
Class: Core
Optimized file saving.
filename: (string) path to the file to save to
data: (string) a lua string or a lua buffer (buffer=true option when loading)
options: (table) any of the following options:
async: (boolean) with async loading, default = false
compression: (boolean) with compression, default = false
mode: (string) file mode: "wb", ...
Operation can be made asynchronous to rendering loop, preventing dropping FPS in your games (async=true option). Only available if the call is made from an async call (see Core.asyncCall)
- Core
- Core.asyncCall
- Core.asyncThread
- Core.class
- Core.enableAllocationTracking
- Core.fileLoad
- Core.fileSave
- Core.findReferences
- Core.frameStatistics
- Core.getScriptPath
- Core.profilerReport
- Core.profilerReset
- Core.profilerStart
- Core.profilerStop
- Core.random
- Core.randomSeed
- Core.setAutoYield
- Core.signal
- Core.stopping
- Core.yield
- Core.yieldable
- Core.yieldlock