
From GiderosMobile
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.

Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: NotificationManager


Retrieves the lua table of received push notifications. On Android all pushed notifications appear here, but on IOS only pushed notifications that user clicked on or that were received while application was in foreground appear here.

You must provide an ID on the server to identify your push notification in this list.



Here is an example structure of returned table:

Table {
	[2] => Table {
			[message] => Do you see me?
			[title] => Test from Server1
			[id] => 2
			[number] => 0
			[sound] => "somesound.wav"
	[10] => Table {
			[message] => Do you see me?
			[title] => Test from Server2
			[id] => 10
			[number] => 0
			[sound] => ""