Tuto tiny-ecs demo Part 9 Player Shoots Enemies Die

From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 04:45, 21 December 2023 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs)

In this chapter we will make the player1 able to "shoot" and "hurt" enemies.

This will be done in two parts: first enabling the player1 "shoot" action, then hurting the enemies with some fx and make them "die".

Player1 can Shoot

We implement player1 can shoot in the SDynamicBodies system.

Please go to the "sDynamicBodies.lua" file to add some code.

SDynamicBodies = Core.class()

function SDynamicBodies:init(xtiny, xnmes) -- tiny function
	self.tiny = xtiny -- ref so we can remove entities from tiny system
	self.tiny.processingSystem(self) -- called once on init and every update
	self.nmes = xnmes -- a list of nmes we can hurt
-- ...

In the init function we add the list of enemies to the function signature and we make that list available to the other functions.

Then in the process function, we check if the player presses the action1 button (the spacebar) and we set a random enemy in the nmes list to be hurt.

function SDynamicBodies:process(ent, dt) -- tiny function
	-- ...
	-- actions (player1)
	if ent.isplayer1 and ent.isaction1 then
		ent.isaction1 = false
		if #self.nmes > 0 then -- check nmes list is not empty
			self.nmes[math.random(#self.nmes)].isdirty = true
		else -- nmes list is empty
			print("you killed everybody!")
	-- move
	ent.x += ent.body.vx * dt
	ent.sprite:setPosition(ent.x, ent.y)

I set the hurt behavior as being the flag isdirty (some of my Box2D leftovers).

So every time the player presses the spacebar, a random enemy from the nmes list will get hurt.

Enemies can die

In order to hurt an enemy we need to add a new System. The system will decrease an enemy health which will eventually "die".

In the systems folder "_S", create a file called "sNme1.lua" for example, and copy the following code:

SNme1 = Core.class()

function SNme1:init(xtiny, xnmes) -- tiny function
	self.tiny = xtiny -- ref so we can remove entities from tiny system
	self.tiny.processingSystem(self) -- called once on init and every update
	self.nmes = xnmes

function SNme1:filter(ent) -- tiny function
	return ent.isnme

function SNme1:onAdd(ent) -- tiny function

function SNme1:onRemove(ent) -- tiny function

function SNme1:process(ent, dt) -- tiny function
	for i = #self.nmes, 1, -1 do -- scan in reverse
		if self.nmes[i].isdirty then -- hit
			self.nmes[i].health -= 1
			self.nmes[i].washurt = 5 -- timer for a flash effect
			self.nmes[i].sprite:setColorTransform(2, 0, 0, 3) -- the flash effect (a bright red color)
			self.nmes[i].isdirty = false
			if self.nmes[i].health <= 0 then -- dead :-(
				self.tiny.world:removeEntity(self.nmes[i]) -- sprite removed from sprite layer in SDrawable
				self.nmes[i] = nil -- remove from table
				table.remove(self.nmes, i) -- remove from table

In this system when an entity is dirty (hurt) we decrease its health, set a timer for a flashing effect and if it dies we remove it from tiny-ecs world and the nmes list.

Please note the sprite is removed from the sprite layer in the SDrawable system:

function SDrawable:onRemove(ent) -- tiny function

Enemy add AI Component

Our enemy1 entities don't do anything yet. Let's equip them with an Artificial Intelligence component.

In the components folder "_C", create a file called "cAI.lua" for example, and copy the following code:

Here, in the init function, we store an entity starting position and a delta x and y to set how far it can travel.

We can now attach this AI component to our enemy1 entity in "eNme1.lua":

You can run the demo and the enemies should move to the right.

Enemy AI System

To make our enemies intelligent we need to create an AI system.

In the systems folder "_S", create a file called "sAI.lua" for example, and copy the following code:

This is a simple AI system, which switches an entity direction when it reaches some limits (delta x, delta y).

Finally we need to add this AI system to tiny-ecs world.

Please go to the "LevelX.lua" file and complete the code as follow:

You can run the demo and the enemies should be less dumb ;-)


In the next part, we make the player1 "shoots" and the enemies "die" :-(

Prev.: Tuto tiny-ecs demo Part 8 Enemies
Next: xxx

Tutorial - tiny-ecs demo