From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 10:28, 24 August 2018 by Hgy29 (talk | contribs)

Available since: Gideros 2012.09
Value: requestPurchaseComplete
Defined by: GoogleBilling


Dispatched when `GoogleBilling:requestPurchase` function completes with these response codes: `GoogleBilling.USER_CANCELED` indicates that the user pressed the back button on the checkout page instead of buying the item. `GoogleBilling.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE` indicates that the network connection is down. `GoogleBilling.BILLING_UNAVAILABLE` indicates that in-app billing is not available because the API version that you specified is not recognized by the Google Play application or the user is ineligible for in-app billing (for example, the user resides in a country that prohibits in-app purchases). `GoogleBilling.ITEM_UNAVAILABLE` indicates that Google Play cannot find the requested item in the application's product list. `GoogleBilling.DEVELOPER_ERROR` Indicates that an application is trying to make an in-app billing request but the application has not declared the com.android.vending.BILLING permission in its manifest. Can also indicate that an application is not properly signed, or that you sent a malformed request, such as a request with missing Bundle keys or a request that uses an unrecognized request type. `GoogleBilling.ERROR` indicates an unexpected server error. For example, this error is triggered if you try to purchase an item from yourself, which is not allowed by Google Wallet.


productId: (string) your given id of the product purchased
responseCode: (string) response code.
productType: (string) type of the product purchased
developerPayload: (string) A developer-specified string that can be specified when you make a purchase request.