
From GiderosMobile
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Supported platforms: Platform html5.pngPlatform pc.png
Available since: Gideros 2020.7


An interface for the RΛZΞR Chroma SDK.

Device can be any of: "keyboard", "mouse", "headset", "mousepad", "keypad" or "chromalink"

A special hybrid device called "chars" can be used to light up a key, setting its LED colour to -1 will show the keyboard colour instead.

An emulator for the Chroma devices can be downloaded from here:


Screenshot of the plugin working with Razer Chroma emulator


<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> pcall(function() require "json" end) pcall(function() require "chroma" end)

if Chroma then print("Chroma successfully loaded") chroma:clear("keyboard") local h=chroma:getHeight("keyboard") for y=1,h do for x=1,0xf do chroma:setColor("keyboard",x,y,(x*16)<<16) chroma:setColor("keyboard",31-x,y,(x*16)<<16) end end for loop=1,12 do chroma:setKey("f"..loop,0x100-(loop*0x10)) end chroma:setKey({"w","up"},0xffffff) chroma:setKey({"z","down"},0xffffff) chroma:setKey({"a","left"},0xffffff) chroma:setKey({"s","right"},0xffffff) end

frameCounter=0 test1=false

function gameLoop(e) frameCounter+=1 if chroma and chroma:isReady() then if not test1 then chroma:effect("mouse","static",255<<8) chroma:effect("mousepad","static",255<<16) test1=true end chroma:colorScroll("keyboard",1,0,true) end end

stage:addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME,gameLoop) </source>

Methods initialises the plugin
Chroma:getSession gets the session id
Chroma:getTicks gets the number of ticks (seconds) from the razer chroma server that you have been connected
Chroma:isReady returns true if Chroma has started and is ready to accept commands
Chroma:getLastError returns the last error number
Chroma:getErrorText returns the text representation of the error number
Chroma:getWidth returns the number of LED columns
Chroma:getHeight returns the number of LED rows
Chroma:setKey sets the LED colour for a specific key
Chroma:setColor sets the colour for the LED at x,y on the device
Chroma:getColor returns the colour of the LED at x,y on the device
Chroma:clear sets all the LED colours on the device to a specific colour
Chroma:flush sends the wanted colours of the LEDs to the device
Chroma:color sets all the LED colours very quickly to a specific colour
Chroma:colorScroll scrolls the LED colours in a given direction
Chroma:effect sends raw effect data to the Chroma server

