
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 14:32, 23 August 2018 by Hgy29 (talk | contribs)

Supported platforms: android, ios, mac, pc
Available since: Gideros 2011.6


Global scope of Lua environment


assert - error if v nil or false, otherwise returns v
collectgarbage - opts: stop, restart, collect, count, step, setpause, setstepmul
dofile - executes as Lua chunk, default stdin, returns value
error - terminates protected func, never returns
getfenv - gets env, f can be a function or number(stack level)
getmetatable - returns metatable of given object, otherwise nil
ipairs - returns an iterator function, table t and 0
loadfile - loads chunk without execution, returns chunk as function, else nil plus error
loadstring - loads string as chunk, returns chunk as function, else nil plus error
next - returns next index,value pair, if index=nil(default-, returns first index
pairs - returns the next function and table t plus a nil, iterates over all key-value pairs
pcall - protected mode call, catches errors, returns status code first
print - prints values to stdout using tostring
rawequal - non-metamethod v1==v2, returns boolean
rawget - non-metamethod get value of table[index], index != nil
rawset - non-metamethod set value of table[index], index != nil
require - loads package, updates _LOADED, returns boolean
setfenv - sets env, f can be a function or number(stack level, default=1-, 0=global env
setmetatable - sets metatable, nil to remove metatable
tonumber - convert to number, returns number, nil if non-convertible, 2<=base<=36
tostring - convert to string, returns string
type - returns type of v as a string
unpack - returns all elements from list
xpcall - pcall function f with new error handler err


