Unite Server Method list

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Gideros Unite Framework

Server Method list


Method name new(config)

Description Create server instance

Input parameters table config - lua table with configuration options:

  • string username - username to display on devices (default: hostname or device's IP address)
  • string ip - ip address to use for server (default: curret devices IP address)
  • int tcpPort - port to use for tcp connection (default: 5883)
  • int udpPort - port to use for udp connection (default: 5884)
  • int discoveryPort - port to use for device discovery (default: 5885)
  • int multicast - multicast ip address for device discovery (default:
  • int maxClients - maximal amount of clients server can serve (default: unlimited amount)
  • string connectionType - which connection protocol to use tcp, udp or both (default: 'both')


local serverlink = Server.new({
    username = "IAmAServer",
    ip = nil,
    port = 15000,
    multicast = "",
    maxClients = 0,
    connectionType = "tcp"

Start Broadcasting

Method name startBroadcast()

Description Start Broadcasting to clients, both broadcast and multicast to discover other listening devices. Broadcasting includes listening, so if server is broadcasting, there is no need to call startListening method

Stop Broadcasting

Method name stopBroadcast()

Description Stop Broadcasting to clients

Start Listening

Method name startListening()

Description Start Listening to clients

Stop Listening

Method name stopListening()

Description Stop Listening to clients

Accept specified Client

Method name accept(id)

Description When client responded to broadcasting/multicasting message, server recieves new client events with client ID. You need to provide that ID to accept method, to accept specified client

Input parameters int id - client id received from new client event



Add Method

Method name addMethod(name, method, scope)

Description Add method which can be called through the network by other devices

Input parameters Input parameters are similar to adding new event listener

string name - name of command to associate with this method, could be simply method name as string

function method - method that will be called from other connected devices. This function will be called by other devices, and all parameters provided by other devices will be passed to this function. Additionally, the last providd parameter will be the source of message - id of device from which message originated

object scope - scope to use for method, if for example using class method and not simple function, you can provide self variable if defined inside class, of class instance if defiend outside class (default: nil)


serverlink:addMethod("draw", self.draw, self)

Call Method

Method name callMethod(...)

Description Call specific method for all connected devices

Input parameters string command - name of command, to call the method associated with this command

Other parameters can be any values, that will be passed to called method


serverlink:callMethod("draw", 100, 200)

Call Method of specific device

Method name callMethodOf(...)

Description Call specific method for specific connected devices

Input parameters string command - name of command, to call the method associated with this command

Other parameters can be any values, that will be passed to called method

Last parameter should be the ID of device, to which to send command


serverlink:callMethodOff("draw", 100, 200, 111222333)

Get devices

Method name getDevices()

Description Get ID of all devices connected to server. Due to limitation, that ID's of devices are retrieved through sockets on the network, this method does not return list of devices, but rather generates multiple "device" events, one for each connected device



Close Server

Method name close()

Description Closes the server, disconnects all clients, disables listening and/or broadcasting and erases ID. Serves as destructor for the class



Unite Server Method list

Unite Server Event list

Unite Client Method list

Unite Client Event list

Gideros Unite Framework