Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: Texture
Creates a new Texture object.
filename: (string) the name of the texture file to be loaded
filtering: (boolean, default = false) whether or not the texture is filtered
options: (table, optional) a table that specifies optional paramaters. The following options are supported:
- transparentColor: specifies which color stands for transparent for formats that don't supply an alpha channel such as JPEG
- wrap: how to treat texels outside the texture. Possible values are Texture.CLAMP and Texture.REPEAT
- format: the GPU pixel format for the texture
- extend: whether the texture should be extended to a power of two size. Defaults to true
- scale: the scale at which this texture was made, if it cannot be determined by a suffix. Defaults to 1
-- do not filter and make the color 0xff00ff transparent
local texture = Texture.new("image.png", false, {transparentColor = 0xff00ff})
-- enable filtering and repeat the texture
local texture = Texture.new("image.png", true, {wrap = Texture.REPEAT})
Available since: Gideros 2016.08
Class: Texture
Creates a texture from pixel data.
Texture.new(pixels, width, height, filtering, options)
pixels: (string) a string containing actual R,G,B,A compoents of each pixel in the new texture. Each component is stored as a byte. You can pass nil if you don't need to initialize texture content
width: (number) width of the texture to create
height: (number) height of the texture to create
filtering: (boolean, default to false) indicates that the texture should be filtered optional
options: (table, optional) a table that specifies optional paramaters. The following options are supported:
- transparentColor: specifies which color stands for transparent for formats that don't supply an alpha channel such as JPEG
- wrap: how to treat texels outside the texture. Possible values are Texture.CLAMP and Texture.REPEAT
- format: the GPU pixel format for the texture
- extend: whether the texture should be extended to a power of two size. Defaults to true
- scale: the scale at which this texture was made, if it cannot be determined by a suffix. Defaults to 1
-- Create a 300x400 empty texture. Prevent gideros from extending the texture to the next power of two size
local texture = Texture.new(nil,300,400, false, {extend=false})