Difference between revisions of "Sprite"

From GiderosMobile
(45 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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'''Supported platforms:''' android, ios, mac, pc<br/>
<!-- GIDEROSOBJ:Sprite -->
'''Supported platforms:''' [[File:Platform android.png]][[File:Platform ios.png]][[File:Platform mac.png]][[File:Platform pc.png]][[File:Platform html5.png]][[File:Platform winrt.png]][[File:Platform win32.png]]<br/>
'''Available since:''' Gideros 2011.6<br/>
'''Available since:''' Gideros 2011.6<br/>
'''Inherits from:''' [[EventDispatcher]]<br/>
=== Description ===
=== Description ===
<translate><br />
The Sprite class is the base class for all objects that can be placed on the scene tree. It is the basic scene tree building block.
The [[[Sprite]]] class is the base class for all objects that can be placed on the scene tree. It is the basic scene tree building block.<br />
A sprite can contain child sprites which makes the scene tree hierarchy.
A sprite can contain child sprites which makes the scene tree hierarchy. Transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling, and color transforms, propagate its effect to all of its children.
Transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling and color transforms propogates its effect to all of its children.<br />
The drawing order is defined by the order of children. First child is drawn first and last child is drawn last. It is possible to change the drawing order by modifying the order of child list.<br />
The drawing order is defined by the order of children. The first child is drawn first and the last child is drawn last. It is possible to change the drawing order by modifying the order of child list.
A [[[Sprite]]] instance can exists without attaching the scene tree.<br />
An unattached sprite can receive [[[Event.ENTER_FRAME]]] event but it will only receive mouse and touch events when it is attached to the scene tree.<br /></translate>
A Sprite instance can exist without attaching it to the scene tree.
An unattached sprite can receive [[Event.ENTER_FRAME]] event but it will only receive mouse and touch events when it is attached to the scene tree.
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=== Methods ===
=== Methods ===
[[Sprite.new]] - creates a new Sprite object<br/>
[[Sprite.new]] ''creates a new Sprite object''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite.new() creates a new Sprite object-->
[[Sprite:addChild]] - adds a sprite as a child<br/>
[[Sprite:addChild]] ''adds a sprite as a child''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:addChild(child) adds a sprite as a child-->
[[Sprite:addChildAt]] - add a sprite as a child at the index position specified<br/>
[[Sprite:addChildAt]] ''adds a sprite as a child at the index position specified''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:addChildAt(child,index) adds a sprite as a child at the index position specified-->
[[Sprite:clearBlendMode]] - clears the blending mode<br/>
[[Sprite:clearBlendMode]] ''clears the blending mode''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:clearBlendMode() clears the blending mode-->
[[Sprite:contains]] - determines whether the specified sprite is contained in the subtree of this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:clone]] ''duplicate this sprite into an independant copy''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:clone() duplicate this sprite into an independant copy-->
[[Sprite:get]] - gets the specified property by its name<br/>
[[Sprite:contains]] ''determines whether the specified sprite is contained in the subtree of this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:contains(child) determines whether the specified sprite is contained in the subtree of this sprite-->
[[Sprite:getAlpha]] - returns the alpha transparency of this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:get]] ''gets the specified property by its name''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:get(param) gets the specified property by its name-->
[[Sprite:getAnchorPosition]] - Returns anchor position of Sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getAlpha]] ''returns the alpha transparency of this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getAlpha() returns the alpha transparency of this sprite-->
[[Sprite:getBounds]] - returns the bounds as it appears in another sprite's coordinate system<br/>
[[Sprite:getAnchorPoint]] ''returns anchor position''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getAnchorPoint() returns anchor position-->
[[Sprite:getChildAt]] - returns the child sprite that exists at the specified index<br/>
[[Sprite:getAnchorPosition]] ''returns anchor position''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getAnchorPosition() returns anchor position-->
[[Sprite:getChildIndex]] - returns the index of the specified child sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getBounds]] ''returns the bounds as it appears in another sprite coordinate system''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getBounds(targetSprite) returns the bounds as it appears in another sprite coordinate system-->
[[Sprite:getClip]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:getChildAt]] ''returns the child sprite that exists at the specified index''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getChildAt(index) returns the child sprite that exists at the specified index-->
[[Sprite:getColorTransform]] - returns the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers<br/>
[[Sprite:getChildIndex]] ''returns the index of the specified child sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getChildIndex(child) returns the index of the specified child sprite-->
[[Sprite:getHeight]] - returns the height<br/>
[[Sprite:getChildrenAtPoint]] ''returns the children sprites that corresponds to the given screen coordinates''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getChildrenAtPoint(x,y,visible,nosubs) returns the children sprites that corresponds to the given screen coordinates-->
[[Sprite:getMatrix]] - returns the transformation matrix of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getClip]] returns the coordinates of the Sprite clip range if set with setClip<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getClip() returns the coordinates of the Sprite clip range if set with setClip-->
[[Sprite:getNumChildren]] - returns the number of children of this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getColorTransform]] ''returns the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getColorTransform() returns the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers-->
[[Sprite:getParent]] - returns the parent sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getDrawCount]] ''returns the number of Sprites actually drawn each frame on this subtree''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getDrawCount() returns the number of Sprites actually drawn each frame on this subtree-->
[[Sprite:getPosition]] - gets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getHeight]] ''returns the height''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getHeight(withoutTransform) returns the height-->
[[Sprite:getRotation]] - returns the rotation of the sprite in degrees<br/>
[[Sprite:getLayoutConstraints]] ''gets the current layout constraints''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getLayoutConstraints() gets the current layout constraints-->
[[Sprite:getRotationX]] - returns the rotation of the sprite around x axis in degrees<br/>
[[Sprite:getLayoutInfo]] ''gets information of the current layout''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getLayoutInfo() gets information of the current layout-->
[[Sprite:getRotationY]] - returns the rotation of the sprite around y axis in degrees<br/>
[[Sprite:getLayoutParameters]] ''gets the current layout parameters''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getLayoutParameters() gets the current layout parameters-->
[[Sprite:getScale]] - returns the horizontal, vertical and z scales of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getMatrix]] ''returns the transformation matrix of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getMatrix() returns the transformation matrix of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:getScaleX]] - returns the horizontal scale of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getNumChildren]] ''returns the number of children of this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getNumChildren() returns the number of children of this sprite-->
[[Sprite:getScaleY]] - returns the vertical scale of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getParent]] ''returns the parent sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getParent() returns the parent sprite-->
[[Sprite:getScaleZ]] - returns the scale on z axis of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getPosition]] ''gets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getPosition() gets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:getSkew]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:getRotation]] ''returns the rotation of the sprite in degrees''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getRotation() returns the rotation of the sprite in degrees-->
[[Sprite:getSkewX]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:getRotationX]] ''returns the rotation of the sprite around x axis in degrees''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getRotationX() returns the rotation of the sprite around x axis in degrees-->
[[Sprite:getSkewY]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:getRotationY]] ''returns the rotation of the sprite around y axis in degrees''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getRotationY() returns the rotation of the sprite around y axis in degrees-->
[[Sprite:getWidth]] - returns the width<br/>
[[Sprite:getScale]] ''returns the horizontal, vertical and z scales of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getScale() returns the horizontal, vertical and z scales of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:getX]] - returns the x coordinate of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getScaleX]] ''returns the horizontal scale of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getScaleX() returns the horizontal scale of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:getY]] - returns the y coordinate of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getScaleY]] ''returns the vertical scale of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getScaleY() returns the vertical scale of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:getZ]] - returns the z coordinate of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getScaleZ]] ''returns the scale on z axis of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getScaleZ() returns the scale on z axis of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:globalToLocal]] - converts the x,y coordinates from the global to the sprite's (local) coordinates<br/>
[[Sprite:getSize]] returns the width and height of the Sprite<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getSize() returns the width and height of the Sprite-->
[[Sprite:hitTestPoint]] - checks the given coordinates is in bounds of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getSkew]] returns the x and y skew parameters of the Sprite<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getSkew() returns the x and y skew parameters of the Sprite-->
[[Sprite:isVisible]] - returns the visibility of sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getSkewX]] returns the x skew parameters of the Sprite<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getSkewX() returns the x skew parameters of the Sprite-->
[[Sprite:localToGlobal]] - converts the x,y coordinates from the sprite's (local) coordinates to the global coordinates<br/>
[[Sprite:getSkewY]] returns the y skew parameters of the Sprite<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getSkewY() returns the y skew parameters of the Sprite-->
[[Sprite:removeChild]] - removes the child sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:getWidth]] ''returns the width''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getWidth(withoutTransform) returns the width-->
[[Sprite:removeChildAt]] - removes the child sprite at the specifed index<br/>
[[Sprite:getX]] ''returns the x coordinate of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getX() returns the x coordinate of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:removeFromParent]] - if the sprite has a parent, removes the sprite from the child list of its parent sprite.<br/>
[[Sprite:getY]] ''returns the y coordinate of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getY() returns the y coordinate of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:set]] - sets the specified property by its name<br/>
[[Sprite:getZ]] ''returns the z coordinate of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:getZ() returns the z coordinate of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setAlpha]] - sets the alpha transparency of this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:globalToLocal]] ''converts the x,y coordinates from the global to the sprite (local) coordinates''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:globalToLocal(x,y) converts the x,y coordinates from the global to the sprite (local) coordinates-->
[[Sprite:setAnchorPosition]] - Set anchor position<br/>
[[Sprite:hitTestPoint]] ''checks the given coordinates is in bounds of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:hitTestPoint(x,y,visible,ref) checks the given coordinates is in bounds of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setBlendMode]] - sets the blend mode of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:isVisible]] ''returns the visibility of sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:isVisible() returns the visibility of sprite-->
[[Sprite:setClip]] - Clip Sprite contents<br/>
[[Sprite:localToGlobal]] ''converts the x,y coordinates from the sprite (local) coordinates to the global coordinates''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:localToGlobal(x,y) converts the x,y coordinates from the sprite (local) coordinates to the global coordinates-->
[[Sprite:setColorTransform]] - sets the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers<br/>
[[Sprite:redrawEffects]] ''tells Gideros the effects must be recomputed''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:redrawEffects() tells Gideros the effects must be recomputed-->
[[Sprite:setMatrix]] - sets the transformation matrix of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:removeChild]] ''removes the child sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:removeChild(child) removes the child sprite-->
[[Sprite:setPosition]] - sets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:removeChildAt]] ''removes the child sprite at the specifed index''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:removeChildAt(index) removes the child sprite at the specifed index-->
[[Sprite:setRotation]] - sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees<br/>
[[Sprite:removeFromParent]] ''if the sprite has a parent, removes the sprite from the child list of its parent sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:removeFromParent() if the sprite has a parent, removes the sprite from the child list of its parent sprite-->
[[Sprite:setRotationX]] - sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around x axis<br/>
[[Sprite:set]] ''sets the specified property by its name''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:set(param,value) sets the specified property by its name-->
[[Sprite:setRotationY]] - sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around y axis<br/>
[[Sprite:setAlpha]] ''sets the alpha transparency of this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setAlpha(alpha) sets the alpha transparency of this sprite-->
[[Sprite:setScale]] - sets the horizontal, vertical and z axis scales of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setAnchorPoint]] ''sets anchor position''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setAnchorPoint(anchorX,anchorY,anchorZ) sets anchor position-->
[[Sprite:setScaleX]] - sets the horizontal scale of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setAnchorPosition]] ''sets anchor position''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setAnchorPosition(anchorX,anchorY,anchorZ) sets anchor position-->
[[Sprite:setScaleY]] - sets the vertical scale of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setBlendMode]] ''sets the blend mode of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setBlendMode(blendMode or src,dst) sets the blend mode of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setScaleZ]] - Set scale on z axis<br/>
[[Sprite:setClip]] ''clips Sprite contents''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setClip(x,y,width,height) clips Sprite contents-->
[[Sprite:setShader]] - Set shader for this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setColorTransform]] ''sets the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setColorTransform(redMultiplier,greenMultiplier,blueMultiplier,alphaMultiplier) sets the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers-->
[[Sprite:setShaderConstant]] - Change the value of a uniform for this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setEffectConstant]] ''changes the value of a constant in the effect stack''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setEffectConstant(effectIndex,uniform name,data type,mult,data,program,variant) changes the value of a constant in the effect stack-->
[[Sprite:setSkew]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:setEffectStack]] ''associates an effect stack to this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setEffectStack(effectStack,mode) associates an effect stack to this sprite-->
[[Sprite:setSkewX]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:setGhosts]] ''renders original Sprite with slight variations''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setGhosts(table) renders original Sprite with slight variations-->
[[Sprite:setSkewY]] - <br/>
[[Sprite:setLayoutConstraints]] ''specifies the child placement constraints for Gideros layout system''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setLayoutConstraints(constraints) specifies the child placement constraints for Gideros layout system-->
[[Sprite:setStencilOperation]] - Set the stencil operation for this sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setLayoutParameters]] ''specifies the parent parameters for Gideros layout system''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setLayoutParameters(layout) specifies the parent parameters for Gideros layout system-->
[[Sprite:setVisible]] - sets the visibility of sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setMatrix]] ''sets the transformation matrix of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setMatrix(matrix) sets the transformation matrix of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setX]] - sets the x coordinate of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setPosition]] ''sets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setPosition(x,y,z) sets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setY]] - sets the y coordinate of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setRotation]] ''sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setRotation(rotation) sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees-->
[[Sprite:setZ]] - sets the z coordinate of the sprite<br/>
[[Sprite:setRotationX]] ''sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around x axis''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setRotationX() sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around x axis-->
[[Sprite:swapChildren]] - Swap two children index places<br/>
[[Sprite:setRotationY]] ''sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around y axis''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setRotationY() sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around y axis-->
[[Sprite:swapChildrenAt]] - Swaps two child sprites.<br/>
[[Sprite:setScale]] ''sets the horizontal, vertical and z axis scales of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setScale(scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ) sets the horizontal, vertical and z axis scales of the sprite-->
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[[Sprite:setScaleX]] ''sets the horizontal scale of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setScaleX(scaleX) sets the horizontal scale of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setScaleY]] ''sets the vertical scale of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setScaleY(scaleY) sets the vertical scale of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setScaleZ]] ''sets scale on z axis''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setScaleZ(scale) sets scale on z axis-->
[[Sprite:setShader]] ''sets shader for this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setShader(shader,programType,programVariant,inherit) sets shader for this sprite-->
[[Sprite:setShaderConstant]] ''changes the value of a uniform for this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setShaderConstant(uniform name,data type,mult,data,program,variant) changes the value of a uniform for this sprite-->
[[Sprite:setSkew]] sets the skew (ie shear) of the Sprite<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setSkew(kx,ky) sets the skew (ie shear) of the Sprite-->
[[Sprite:setSkewX]] sets the Sprite x skew<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setSkewX(kx) sets the Sprite x skew-->
[[Sprite:setSkewY]] sets the Sprite y skew<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setSkewY(ky) sets the Sprite y skew-->
[[Sprite:setStencilOperation]] ''sets the stencil operation for this sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setStencilOperation(mask) sets the stencil operation for this sprite-->
[[Sprite:setStopEventPropagation]] ''selects which events must not be propagated to parent sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setStopEventPropagation(mask) selects which events must not be propagated to parent sprite-->
[[Sprite:setVisible]] ''sets the visibility of sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setVisible(visible) sets the visibility of sprite-->
[[Sprite:setX]] ''sets the x coordinate of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setX(x) sets the x coordinate of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setY]] ''sets the y coordinate of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setY(y) sets the y coordinate of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:setZ]] ''sets the z coordinate of the sprite''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:setZ(z) sets the z coordinate of the sprite-->
[[Sprite:spriteToLocal]] ''converts from one sprite local space to another''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:spriteToLocal(spr,x,y,z,tx,ty,tz) converts from one sprite local space to another-->
[[Sprite:swapChildren]] ''swaps two children index places''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:swapChildren(child1,child2) swaps two children index places-->
[[Sprite:swapChildrenAt]] ''swaps two child sprites''<br/><!--GIDEROSMTD:Sprite:swapChildrenAt(index1,index2) swaps two child sprites-->
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=== Events ===
=== Events ===
[[Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE addedToStage-->
[[Event.ENTER_FRAME]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.ENTER_FRAME enterFrame-->
[[Event.KEY_CHAR]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.KEY_CHAR keyChar-->
[[Event.KEY_DOWN]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.KEY_DOWN keyDown-->
[[Event.KEY_UP]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.KEY_UP keyUp-->
[[Event.LAYOUT_RESIZED]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.LAYOUT_RESIZED layout_resized-->
[[Event.MOUSE_DOWN]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_DOWN mouseDown-->
[[Event.MOUSE_ENTER]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_ENTER mouseEnter-->
[[Event.MOUSE_HOVER]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_HOVER mouseHover-->
[[Event.MOUSE_LEAVE]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_LEAVE mouseLeave-->
[[Event.MOUSE_MOVE]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_MOVE mouseMove-->
[[Event.MOUSE_UP]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_UP mouseUp-->
[[Event.MOUSE_WHEEL]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.MOUSE_WHEEL mouseWheel-->
[[Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE removedFromStage-->
[[Event.TOUCHES_BEGIN]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.TOUCHES_BEGIN touchesBegin-->
[[Event.TOUCHES_CANCEL]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.TOUCHES_CANCEL touchesCancel-->
[[Event.TOUCHES_END]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.TOUCHES_END touchesEnd-->
[[Event.TOUCHES_MOVE]]<br/><!--GIDEROSEVT:Event.TOUCHES_MOVE touchesMove-->
=== Constants ===
=== Constants ===
[[Sprite.ADD]]<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.ADD add-->
[[Sprite.ALPHA]]<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.ALPHA alpha-->
[[Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_AUTOMATIC]] ''Update effects automatic''<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_AUTOMATIC 1-->
[[Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_CONTINUOUS]] ''Always update the effects '''default'''''<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_CONTINUOUS 0-->
[[Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_TRIGGERED]] ''Update effects on demand''<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_TRIGGERED 2-->
[[Sprite.MULTIPLY]]<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.MULTIPLY multiply-->
[[Sprite.NO_ALPHA]]<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.NO_ALPHA noAlpha-->
[[Sprite.SCREEN]]<br/><!--GIDEROSCST:Sprite.SCREEN screen-->

Latest revision as of 00:22, 7 October 2024

Supported platforms: Platform android.pngPlatform ios.pngPlatform mac.pngPlatform pc.pngPlatform html5.pngPlatform winrt.pngPlatform win32.png
Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Inherits from: EventDispatcher


The Sprite class is the base class for all objects that can be placed on the scene tree. It is the basic scene tree building block.

A sprite can contain child sprites which makes the scene tree hierarchy. Transformations such as translation, rotation, scaling, and color transforms, propagate its effect to all of its children.

The drawing order is defined by the order of children. The first child is drawn first and the last child is drawn last. It is possible to change the drawing order by modifying the order of child list.

A Sprite instance can exist without attaching it to the scene tree.

An unattached sprite can receive Event.ENTER_FRAME event but it will only receive mouse and touch events when it is attached to the scene tree.


Sprite.new creates a new Sprite object
Sprite:addChild adds a sprite as a child
Sprite:addChildAt adds a sprite as a child at the index position specified
Sprite:clearBlendMode clears the blending mode
Sprite:clone duplicate this sprite into an independant copy
Sprite:contains determines whether the specified sprite is contained in the subtree of this sprite
Sprite:get gets the specified property by its name
Sprite:getAlpha returns the alpha transparency of this sprite
Sprite:getAnchorPoint returns anchor position
Sprite:getAnchorPosition returns anchor position
Sprite:getBounds returns the bounds as it appears in another sprite coordinate system
Sprite:getChildAt returns the child sprite that exists at the specified index
Sprite:getChildIndex returns the index of the specified child sprite
Sprite:getChildrenAtPoint returns the children sprites that corresponds to the given screen coordinates
Sprite:getClip returns the coordinates of the Sprite clip range if set with setClip
Sprite:getColorTransform returns the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers
Sprite:getDrawCount returns the number of Sprites actually drawn each frame on this subtree
Sprite:getHeight returns the height
Sprite:getLayoutConstraints gets the current layout constraints
Sprite:getLayoutInfo gets information of the current layout
Sprite:getLayoutParameters gets the current layout parameters
Sprite:getMatrix returns the transformation matrix of the sprite
Sprite:getNumChildren returns the number of children of this sprite
Sprite:getParent returns the parent sprite
Sprite:getPosition gets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite
Sprite:getRotation returns the rotation of the sprite in degrees
Sprite:getRotationX returns the rotation of the sprite around x axis in degrees
Sprite:getRotationY returns the rotation of the sprite around y axis in degrees
Sprite:getScale returns the horizontal, vertical and z scales of the sprite
Sprite:getScaleX returns the horizontal scale of the sprite
Sprite:getScaleY returns the vertical scale of the sprite
Sprite:getScaleZ returns the scale on z axis of the sprite
Sprite:getSize returns the width and height of the Sprite
Sprite:getSkew returns the x and y skew parameters of the Sprite
Sprite:getSkewX returns the x skew parameters of the Sprite
Sprite:getSkewY returns the y skew parameters of the Sprite
Sprite:getWidth returns the width
Sprite:getX returns the x coordinate of the sprite
Sprite:getY returns the y coordinate of the sprite
Sprite:getZ returns the z coordinate of the sprite
Sprite:globalToLocal converts the x,y coordinates from the global to the sprite (local) coordinates
Sprite:hitTestPoint checks the given coordinates is in bounds of the sprite
Sprite:isVisible returns the visibility of sprite
Sprite:localToGlobal converts the x,y coordinates from the sprite (local) coordinates to the global coordinates
Sprite:redrawEffects tells Gideros the effects must be recomputed
Sprite:removeChild removes the child sprite
Sprite:removeChildAt removes the child sprite at the specifed index
Sprite:removeFromParent if the sprite has a parent, removes the sprite from the child list of its parent sprite
Sprite:set sets the specified property by its name
Sprite:setAlpha sets the alpha transparency of this sprite
Sprite:setAnchorPoint sets anchor position
Sprite:setAnchorPosition sets anchor position
Sprite:setBlendMode sets the blend mode of the sprite
Sprite:setClip clips Sprite contents
Sprite:setColorTransform sets the red, green, blue and alpha channel multipliers
Sprite:setEffectConstant changes the value of a constant in the effect stack
Sprite:setEffectStack associates an effect stack to this sprite
Sprite:setGhosts renders original Sprite with slight variations
Sprite:setLayoutConstraints specifies the child placement constraints for Gideros layout system
Sprite:setLayoutParameters specifies the parent parameters for Gideros layout system
Sprite:setMatrix sets the transformation matrix of the sprite
Sprite:setPosition sets the x,y and z coordinates of the sprite
Sprite:setRotation sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees
Sprite:setRotationX sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around x axis
Sprite:setRotationY sets the rotation of the sprite in degrees around y axis
Sprite:setScale sets the horizontal, vertical and z axis scales of the sprite
Sprite:setScaleX sets the horizontal scale of the sprite
Sprite:setScaleY sets the vertical scale of the sprite
Sprite:setScaleZ sets scale on z axis
Sprite:setShader sets shader for this sprite
Sprite:setShaderConstant changes the value of a uniform for this sprite
Sprite:setSkew sets the skew (ie shear) of the Sprite
Sprite:setSkewX sets the Sprite x skew
Sprite:setSkewY sets the Sprite y skew
Sprite:setStencilOperation sets the stencil operation for this sprite
Sprite:setStopEventPropagation selects which events must not be propagated to parent sprite
Sprite:setVisible sets the visibility of sprite
Sprite:setX sets the x coordinate of the sprite
Sprite:setY sets the y coordinate of the sprite
Sprite:setZ sets the z coordinate of the sprite
Sprite:spriteToLocal converts from one sprite local space to another
Sprite:swapChildren swaps two children index places
Sprite:swapChildrenAt swaps two child sprites




Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_AUTOMATIC Update effects automatic
Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_CONTINUOUS Always update the effects default
Sprite.EFFECT_MODE_TRIGGERED Update effects on demand