
From GiderosMobile
Revision as of 10:52, 26 August 2024 by MoKaLux (talk | contribs) (→‎Examples)

Available since: Gideros 2011.6
Class: TextField


Creates a new TextField object with the specified font and text. Gideros runtime includes a default font. If you specify nil for the font parameter while creating the TextField object, default font is used.


text has now more tags available (Gideros 2024.2):

  • \e[u=val]underlined\e[!u], val = line thickness between 0 and 1
  • \e[i=val]oblique\e[!i], val = text angle in degree
  • \e[l=val1:val2]custom line placement and thickness\e[l], val1 = line placement (between -1 and 1), val2 = line thickness (between 0 and 1)
  • \e[color=val]text color\e[color], val = hex color and alpha (ex: #f005)


font: (FontBase) the font used for displaying the TextField object. If nil, default font is used
text: (string) the text to be displayed optional
sample: (string) sample to determine line height optional
layout: (table) layout parameters, see TextField:setLayout optional


Semi transparent colored text

local text = TextField.new(nil, "This is a \e[color=#f005]semi transparent red\e[color] text")
text:setPosition(32, 64)

New Gideros 2024.2 tags

local font = TTFont.new("fonts/arial.ttf", 20, "", nil, nil)
local tf = TextField.new(font,
	"Text is \e[u=0.2]underlined\e[!u],\n"..
	"text is \e[i=15]oblique 15°\e[!i],\n"..
	"custom \e[l=0.5:0.5]line placement and thickness\e[l],\n"..
	"last \e[color=#f00]is text color\e[color]."
tf:setLayout { w=500, h=200, flags=1280|FontBase.TLF_CENTER|FontBase.TLF_VCENTER }
tf:setPosition(0, 40)